Alien predator prometheus movie timeline

This list does not include most of the aliens comics. Alienprometheusblade runnerpredator shared universe. In 2012 and 2017 respectively, ridley scott directed eight short films to tie in with the releases of prometheus and alien. To help you make sense of the alien predator timeline, we put all the films in chronological order, with blade runner as a bonus. Prometheus takes place in 20912094 and, though it may have been released in 2012, its actually where the story begins. The fast and the furious movie timeline in chronological order. Heres what order to watch the alien and predator movies. Covenant, we untangle the alien film series so you dont have to. Covenant have created a complex, sprawling timeline spanning millennia. The opening scene of ridley scotts prometheus shows the. The complete predator timeline explained tv, movies and. Predator franchise combines the continuities of the alien franchise with the predator franchise. Predator movies crossbred this franchise with the similarly.

Alien is a sciencefiction horroraction media franchise centered on the film series depicting. Covenant, and up to four more movies in the pipeline. The new movie is a prometheus sequel and alien prequel alien covenant is a sequel to 2012s prometheus but a prequel to the original alien films starring sigourney weaver. Covenant fits into the prometheus and alien movie timeline. Theres a lot of debate over whether the alien vs predator movies are canon in the alien timeline as ridley scott seemed to ignore them when it came to alien. Heres the chronological breakdown of the alien series, from prometheus to alien.

Predator movies and their place in the timeline, which is pretty murky. Heres what order to watch the alien and predator movies in hitc. This list is for anyone who wants to know the order of. Set 11 years after prometheus in 2104, the covenant is a colonisation ship headed toward. Covenant and alien, this seems as simple as one, two, and three. The film series was pretty straightforward before ridley scotts 2012 film prometheus.

This list put the films of the alien and predator franchises in chronological order, including the semiprequel to alien prometheus. This list does not include most of the aliens comics, as it is hard to find comics that remain as canon ever since ridley scott changed it like disney did with star wars. That movie confused fans, because scott conceived it as a film that came out of alien s dna, but. Covenant works as a sequel to prometheus, but also. The alien versus predator avp movies are no longer canon. Alien prometheusblade runnerpredator shared universe chronological a list of 12 titles the best films of the xmen franchise so far. In 1979, alien, directed by ridley scott, premiered in theaters and changed scifi movies forever. Covenant contradict the earlier alien vs predator films. Covenant fits in the larger alien timeline, and what. The ship is destroyed and dr shaw and a severely damaged. There is much debate over which movies can be considered canon and so forth, but in determining a shared timeline, this is arguably the best order to watch both the alien and predator movies in. However, as with other massive franchises, the timeline in the alien narrative. Alien universe timeline alien anthology wiki fandom. Ridley scotts alien prequel series is in full swing, with the esoteric prometheus now followed up with the more expository and horrortinged alien.

Alien predator series full timeline explained in hindi. The fast and the furious movie timeline in chronological. The decapitated engineer found by the prometheus crew on lv223 was carbondated to 2,000 years before, give or take. Resurrection, the last film in the original series, takes place much later, in 2379. The complete alien timeline, from prometheus to alien. And, for completists, weve also mentioned the alien vs predator movies sorry about that. Alien predator viewing order, a list of films by mook. This list put the various timelines in chronological order. Now, 40 years later, alien has become a beloved franchise with 6 films and a bit of a confusing. Use the list numbers at the side to create a viewing order for the timeline of your choosing.